Legal Assistant

Vojtěch works at KOUBÍKOVÁ LEGAL as a legal assistant and at the same time studies at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague. Within the International Law specialization, he focuses on the aspects of the international private law. 

„I’ve chosen law because knowing the rules of a game always comes handy. However, finding common ground may prevent other players from leaving the table. I believe comprehensibility lets us advance further and be closer to each other at the same time. Insight is a value that should not be overlooked in our society.“

During his studies, Vojtěch often participated in student exchanges and took part in numerous internships in the Kingdom of Spain.

Until 2020, he worked at the faculty as an auxiliary scientific force of the Department of International Law and participated in the organization of international conferences.

Since February 2021, he has been working at KOUBÍKOVÁ LEGAL where he deals with legal administrative tasks in cross-border cases.

Vojtěch is currently living in Bordeaux, France, studying at the Université de Bordeaux for two semesters through the Erasmus+ programme. 

Vojtěch speaks Czech, English, French, Spanish and dedicates himself to studying Chinese.